When you purchase through links on Guardian Down, we may earn a commission. More information can be found, here.   If you get the 8b050033 error code on your Xbox 360 or Xbox One, it indicates that the Xbox needs an update, but is not available right now. The issue is mostly related to the Xbox server. Sometimes Xbox servers get busy, and that’s why you get these issues. How To Fix It If you’re facing the sameRead More →

When you purchase through links on Guardian Down, we may earn a commission. More information can be found, here. System Error Code SU-30625-6 is the code that signifies that the system update file was not recognized by the PS4 console, and the update has failed. SU-30625-6 System Software Error To fix this, you’ll need to re-install the system software while in safe mode. Completely shut down your PS4 (hold the power button). Once the system light isRead More →

When you purchase through links on Guardian Down, we may earn a commission. More information can be found, here. Error code CE-32889-0 will show the status message: Download has canceled because the downloading of this content has previously been started and experienced an error. CE-32889-0 Download Canceled Go to Notifications – then Downloads. Check to see if the content is on the list. If so, delete the content from Options, and retry downloading the content from the Library. IfRead More →