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Destiny, as many know, is one of my most favorite games. I’ve listened to (and read) people rave and rage about it. I’ve had days where even I would bitch about it because of getting booted from the game when I was in the middle of a strike or Crucible or Nightfall, etc. But, overall, I love it.
And then …

Destiny 2 came out and the Red Legion attacked the last safe city, and we lost all of our stuff (which was not as important as Cayde losing his stuff … 😉 ). We fought the Red Legion, defeated Ghaul, and took back our city. Awesome, right? Well, sort of.

Along w/ the campaign, we had adventures to give us a little more to do. There was also the public events, Nightfall, lost sectors, Crucible, Trials of the Nine, and the Leviathan Raid. So Much To Do. Sort of.

Once the campaign & adventures are finished, the lost sectors are discovered, you run through Crucible a couple of times, do a few of the Nightfalls, you’ve run out of stuff to do. Sort of. There’s always the raid & Trials of the Nine. Oh and Iron Banner, when Lord Saladin decides to grace us w/ his presence.

So there is quite a bit to do after the campaign, but it’s not really enough to keep me (and, apparently, other players) logging in daily. It’s repetitive and not really worth it bc the rewards aren’t that great (sad, but true).

I used to do the Nightfalls in D1, but I don’t like doing them now. They’re timed, which means you’re rushed to complete it. You have to, pretty much, run past the enemies to get to the boss, so that you can get it done in time. And you get the best rewards if you can finish w/ at least 5 minutes left. That’s great, for those that want to rush and not take the time to enjoy the Nightfall. For me, the fun of the D1 Nightfalls was taking the time to kill every enemy (or nearly all of them) & get that XP that goes along w/ it. It was fun, even if I didn’t want to do them to start with, I always ended up having fun.

Okay, so now we’re up to D2 and the XP fiasco. There should be no reason for Bungie to hold back on the XP, especially since there is a current promotion to gain XP boosts by buying Pop Tarts. So Bungie has been shaving off XP bc … why? No one has taken the time to ask them, directly, why this was happening. Some theorize it was to cause the slow down of players getting Bright Engrams, so that they would spend real world money to buy silver (game currency), which in turn could be spent on Bright Engrams so that could have a chance at getting the Eververse items that they wanted. This sounds plausible & I’m not going to say that it wasn’t the reason. I’m going to suggest that there might have been another reason (or two) as to why the XP was being shaved off.

But for those that spent real world money on the XP boost motes and on the Pop Tarts, there should be some sort of reimbursement. Why? Real money was spent on an item that wasn’t as advertised. In the real world, when you buy a product, you expect to get what you paid for, and when you don’t, you take it back & get a refund, or another product in its place.

Now let’s move forward to The Curse of Osiris dlc. It’s good. It gives you a story, and a protagonist. After the main story line, Brother Vance is a bit salty, but he offers you the chance to do a couple of the adventures on ‘heroic’  mode … a good move, on Bungie’s part, if you ask me. It’s like doing Ikora’s meditations (re-visiting parts of the main campaign), but harder. Fun times, right? Right.

There’s even a public event that has you bouncing around the map, and, honestly, it’s fun (after the first time … don’t ask). However, so far, it’s the only public event and I foresee it becoming something that folks will be getting tired of, real fast.

The adventures get a bit tedious because you keep getting sent back into the Infinite Forest. Okay, we get it, the Vex created a simulation machine and there’s enemies to kill in there because they are assessing different outcomes for stuff. Got it. Awesome. But I would have liked to have seen adventures that told us more about Osiris & how his ghost ended up having a female voice. Yes, I get that he (Osiris) probably modified Sagira, but give a little background on they ‘why’ & such. Just a little would be nice.

I like that we interact w/ Osiris & Sagira during the adventures, but I’m disappointed that, once we finish the story, they ride off into the sunset (figuratively speaking, that is). Like some of the other NPCs from places other than the Tower, we only get to interact w/ them when we are on adventures or the occasional patrol.

I still love Destiny & I’m hoping that Bungie steps up to the plate & makes amends for the XP fiasco, as well as learn from their screw ups. They need to stop trying to draw in the new players w/ the glam & glitz, and work on keeping their veteran players while turning new (to Destiny) players into veteran players. But that’s only going to happen when/if they start putting more effort into their end game.

Slinky525 & I played, and finished, The Curse of Osiris in 3 1/2 hours … and that was w/ us taking breaks to grab something to drink, run to the restroom, and eating. We finished the adventures (one heroic one included) in about 1 1/2 hours. I would have loved a longer main story. I’m not going to ask for the adventures to more challenging bc they did that w/ the heroic mode adventures.

I nearly forgot about the gear & weapons. I can’t say too much about them because I’ve only received one exotic piece of armor (it looks good and has ‘okay’ perks). No exotic weapons for me … yet. I do, however, like the new Vanguard auto rifle that Ikora Rey gave me when we finished the main story, but I can’t remember the name of it.

Would I recommend Destiny 2 to others? Yes. But my suggestion would be that they play Destiny 1 first, to get a feel for the game.

I know this post was all over the place & could have been more focused, but it’s late and I’m going to post it before I 1) change my mind & delete it, 2) forget half the stuff I was going to ‘say’, or 3) get bored and just stop.

Guardian Down