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Destiny 2 arrived Wednesday, September 6th, 2017. I picked it up (along w/ the Destiny Pop figures that I had pre-ordered), came home, downloaded it, and began playing (using my Warlock, of course). I finished the main story in a total of 11 hours (including taking breaks to eat, run errands, shower, etc). So here’s my review, without spoilers.

The Story

Considering that D1 didn’t give us much of a story to work with, Destiny 2 rectifies that. The story of the Red Legion, our light being taken, and our journey to regain our light is a good (and sometimes sad) one. I was impressed by the cut scenes, where you learned more about Ghaul & why he’s taking our light and a little of his back story.

Flying Solo or Teaming Up

You don’t get to team up with other players until after you finally make it to the Farm. When I played on my Warlock, I teamed up with Slinky525 to continue the rest of the story. It’s fun having someone to have someone tag along with you, especially when you run into the random ‘high-value targets’ and public events.

I’ve been running solo through the game with my Titan. It’s a little more challenging because some of the majors enemies are pretty freakin’ strong but, though I may die a few times, I do manage to push through it.

My suggestion to those who have never played Destiny before and may have difficulty figuring things out: Team up with veteran players and/or join a clan. Having someone there who has your back when things get tough, is pretty nice, and I rather enjoy running around with someone who likes to explore and find cool and interesting places to look for loot … or just to see if there are hidden areas that we can locate.

Public Events

When you’re out and about on Destiny 2, you can find areas where there are flags just sitting there. If you approach it and interact, you can “Rally to the Flag”. This, in turn, causes a public event countdown to start. The PE starts on normal mode but can turn into a Heroic PE if certain things are triggered. This Public Events guide is a great way to learn more about the Heroic versions.

One thing to remember when doing the Servitor Resupply PE, you could be teleported (by the boss servitor) and drop from the sky. I found it a bit painful the first time it happened to me because I died on impact, after hitting the ground.


The engrams are similar to D1, in color and rarity. However, you can find an exotic engram while you’re out patrolling or doing your mission. This is how I acquired my first exotic piece of armor (a winged chest piece called Wings of a Sacred Dawn. It is gorgeous and has pretty decent perks. Now if I could wear it with my Crown of Tempests, I’d be a happy camper.

The drawback to the legendary & exotic engrams is that if they aren’t already decrypted when you pick them up, you have to wait until you reach level 20 to get them done. Rare engrams drop frequently, which makes it nice when you go to infuse your favorite exotic. There is one tiny, little catch when it comes to weapon infusing … the item you’re infusing must be the same as the item that you’re infusing it in to. You can’t infuse a hand cannon with an auto rifle, like in D1. It has to be auto rifle into auto rifle. You can infuse an auto rifle into a trace rifle and/or linear rifle.

Exotic Armor & Weapons

Instead of talking about each piece of exotic armor for each class, I added links to a site that lists them by class and category.

Warlock Exotic Armor – Titan Exotic Armor – Hunter Exotic Armor

As for the weapons, you can find a list of those at: Destiny 2 Exotic Weapons. There are a couple of videos up that show how to get certain exotic weapons. They’re a little more challenging to get, but worth it.

If you didn’t pre-order and get the Cold Heart line rifle, you’re missing out on one pretty cool weapon. Just saying. 🙂


Lord Shaxx is ready to get everyone into Crucible and ready them for the fight. I loved Crucible in D1 and was in there almost every time I logged on to the game. In Destiny 2, things are a little different. The maps are bigger, the competition is harder, and it can be quite frustrating when you’re constantly getting killed at the spawn point. Thankfully, I’m a fast learner and know that as soon as I spawn in, run. I’m sure once I get used to the new maps, I’ll play better, but until then I apologize to everyone who gets teamed up with me because I tend to die a lot, in the beginning. My goal is to have fun, though.

And Finally –

There’s probably more I could add, but I don’t want to end up spoiling it. I used to rave about how awesome the first game was, but Destiny 2 has surpassed D1 in game play and story line. There are more activities to do & places to explore.

I didn’t mention Nightfall yet, because I haven’t done one. I’ve done two strikes so far, I’ll write about them next time. I may even throw in something about one of my favorite new characters.



Source for exotic armor & weapons info: VG247